Our focus is probable one of our most valuable assets as humans, more than money, more than time, heck even could be more than health.
BUT WHY? It sounds controversial , but hear me out, as life develops as an inward process, consicuoness is our light bulb with whcih we choose what to focus on-
Outwardly we could be rich, healthy and have freedom of time, but if our focus is on envy, anger, the wrong in the world, our conscious experience is gonna be just that. See? What good is to have health, time, and money, if focus is spend on lack, anger, melancholy, desire, etc.
Thus, choosing to sip a little bit of coffee with gratitude and peace, focusing on love, joy, humor, good relationships or whatever good is what we have, would be even more important.
Lets take it to a extreme, even a sick person, focusing on beauty of life, humor, the special moments in every day! could achieve a much higher degree of life enjoyment than the hurried CEO, who does crossfit every morning but is just focused on the company problems, the nagging wife, the freaking stress!!-
Attention is so subtle to see, is like asking a fish in the ocean what is water ? the fish is all the time in water, is so easy to loose the concept of it.
The same way, we are always placing our attention, either consciously or not, but there is not a moment of time we can stop using it. Most people when asked what are most important things in life, go to the obvious or mundane, career, money, family, health, etc. Even though i agree, with some of them, seems like our attention is a far crazier part of the equation that can be lost or left behind.
Think of yourself as a Master of attention, monitoring your thoughts, grateful for all things in reality, conscious of your breath, your movements, your emotions.
It can really be a challenge to master attention and MORE of in this highly distractable world, with phones, social media, instant everything”!
On top of that, our own body and mind are very efficient machines that adapt, and put a lot of our actions in auto-pilot mode, which is really great too, imagine daily driving with full presence of every action.
Attention is very wide, visually, what are you seeing ? Hearing? , Emotions, how are you feeling? , Gratitude, are you focusing on all you have or all you still dont ?
Master Attention.